Monday, February 7, 2011

Training Summary 1/31/11 - 2/6/11

View on the way up Pilot Mtn 2/6

I had another solid week of training this week. Nothing spectacular but feeling stronger. Did not get in back to back long (over 20 miles) because of my weekend family schedule but got a total of 84 miles which included a 4 hr. run and 3 others of approx. 90 minutes or longer. My 12 year old son had a basketball event to attend from 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Saturday so met up with my friend Chuck on Friday morning at 4:30 a.m. and we did 16.5 miles before work. Then met Tom at 5 a.m. Saturday morning for 10 miles. Had planned on getting in two hours on Saurday a.m. but hard rain and 32 degrees cut it short. Friday's run was also in a "wintry mix" so can only make me stronger.

Rocky single track on the way up (good practice for "the loop")

On Sunday I headed back to Pilot Mtn for the third weekend in a row. And did nearly 4 hours alone. I did the same loop as last week and got to the summit 3 minutes faster and finished the run in 3:58, which was 4 minutes faster then last week. I tried to run more like the seasoned mtn ultra runners and ran faster then I normally would on a 4 hr. run on the downhills and flats and walked the steep uphills and while fueling. Seemed to work well and felt stronger late in the run. Another beautiful day to be running in the mountains. Very muddy and sloppy but bright and sunny.
This is what my dog was doing before and after my 4 hour run (and probably during)

I'm planning on running races the next two weekends but don't plan to taper or run them super hard. I'll just try to get solid runs in the 4-5+ hour range. Holiday Lake 50k is this upcoming weekend (will be great to see and hang out with the VA and TN folks)and that run will be actually 33.2 miles and then the following week is the Pilot Mtn marathon which I am now very familiar with.

I've gotten a bit more serious with my veganism. For me a plant based diet just makes so much sense.... I began eating this way for my health but it has become much more then that. As much as caring about myself it's about caring for others, concern for humanity, concern about the earth and its creatures. (would be nice if it helped my running as well!!)
I'm not really much of a cook but tend to fend for myself in terms of preparing the food I want to eat. One joy I have in between long weekend runs is cooking up loads of food. I was shocked yesterday when I got home from Pilot Mtn. I was half expecting my wife to complain that I was gone for six hours but she had cooked up some black beans, onions, mushrooms, tofu scramble and it was all ready to be wrapped in a tortilla with guac. Just what I needed. Then in prep for the Super Bowl we cooked up some turnip greens... added in mushrooms, onions, cabbage, celery over quinoa. Sometimes it's just hit or miss... last week after a 4 hr run outing I wasn't sure what we had to prepare but found some pinto beans and lentils and put those on to cook. And I just cut up what we had around.... onions, green onions, mushrooms, green pepper, bok choy and served that along with the legumes over Couscous (good change up from the usual brown rice)....

Training Summary 1/31 - 2/6

Monday 1/31
AM Easy 6 miles in Vibram Five Fingers

Tuesday 2/1
AM 10 miles generally easy pace

Wednesday 2/2
AM With Chuck and Tom, 13.5 miles at 8:34 pace. Knee was hurting again late in run. Iced it after, stretching IT, foam roller

Thursday 2/3
Complete rest day (concerns about knee)

Friday 2/4
4:30 AM 16.5 miles fairly easy but in light rain, sleet/freezing rain

Saturday 2/5
5:00 AM 10 miles with Tom in cold rain. 32 degrees and steady rain. Planned on longer.
PM 6 real easy miles

Sunday 2/6
AM At Pilot Mtn 3:58, same loop as last week. Improved by 4 minutes and felt fairly strong late in run.

Total = 84 miles


  1. One day I am going to come down and run Pilot Mountain with you. Looks beautiful. See you Saturday.

  2. Sounds great. Any time (of course your race schedule is darn full in 2011!) I'd love to drive up your way as wellfor one of the group runs you and the crew do in SW VA/TN.

  3. I was looking @ that pilot mountain marathon today. would like to do that but not sure its the best idea the weekend before mitchell? I've been hanging out with my foam roller lately too, not my favorite past time. I admire you're great eating habits. hope you have a great run at HL! come visit us soon. you always have a place to stay!

  4. I can understand about the reluctance of trying that before Mitchell. Wish I had entered Mitchell early and could join you. Keep me in the loop on your weekend "fun" runs. Like you said in your blog in 2011 I'd love to do some low key group adventures.

  5. Sometimes just showing up on Friday night will get you into Mitchell. Worth a shot if you have an evening to spare. I have hotel rooms already reserved, so you are welcome to join us.

  6. I'll keep that in mind Rick. My wife loves Blk Mtn and with my Mom in Hendersonville it's possible we'd come over. I could always run for a few hours and wait on you guys at the finish line if I didn't get in. Now just need to figure out my son's AAU basketball schedule. That might be a problem...
