Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ultra Plans, Weekly Summary Aug 16-Aug 22

Training and recovery from the Big Bear Trail Ultra has gone fairly well but I've decided not to enter The North Face Endurance Challenge 50 miler in Wisconsin. Part of me still wants to jump in it, but I think a wiser way to go would be to relax a bit and put in a nice training block of long runs (4+ hours), back to back long ones, and consistent mileage over the next couple of months before I enter another 50 miler. I feel recovered from my 7/17 ultra, but experiencing some aches and pains and even a bit of left hamstring/buttocks stiffness which concerns me. I battled that problem for over a year so I don't want to revisit that. I believe based on my marathon time from Boston '09 that I can enter the JFK 50 on November 20th. So at this point that is my plan and will likely also enter the New River 50k (as a good training run) on 10/1.

Had my first 30 mile training run this week and that went well. Quite slow but running for 5 hours was the objective. Still sort of amazes me that I can run past the marathon distance slowly and bounce back really well and only have tired legs the next day. Moving forward... will try to do another 30 miler this week but with the next couple of weekends of busy schedules and travel won't worry much about my training, then will concentrate on 4+ hour weekend runs, back to backs and throwing in some faster runs when rested. Below is my log from last week.

Weekly Total 70.5 miles

Monday 8/16/10 (6.5 mi)

Noon- Generally easy 55:50 run. Ran into ultra runner Scott Douglas in the neighborhood and ran a portion of it with him. No issues, legs okay. Had planned a rest day but felt restless at lunch time.

Tuesday 8/17/10 (4.5 mi)

AM- Easy 40 minute run. Did some on the golf course, then Ewood. Recovery day.

Wednesday 8/18/10 (13.5 mi)

AM- w/ Chuck, hot humid conditions. Both struggled through a slow 2 hour run. Didn't feel like we were going so slow, but averaged 9 min/mi. Felt dehydrated after.

Thursday 8/19/10 (6 mi)

AM- In a light rain. Did a 6 mi run in 50 minutes. 8:35 pace. Middle portions of run were quite hilly. Ran out to Sweetbriar, Wicliff/Ferndale/Rockford. Feel a whole lot better. (PM core work)

Friday 8/20/10 (30 mi)
AM- Started at 5:30 a.m. with MP at Salem Lake. Did approx 30 miles in 5 hours. Started in the dark with headlamps. Stumbled along, zigzagging for the first 30 minutes in the dark. Ran the first 15 miles with Michael then went ahead and circled back for him a couple of times. Only did 3 gels but certainly needed more on a 5 hr run. Leg fatigue late but no serious issues. Slowing was more mental then physical.

Saturday 8/21/10 (10 mi)

AM- Alone @ Salem Lake, real slow out and back 10 miles. Very very slow to begin then began to feel okay.

Sunday 8/22/10 (0)
Rest day. Moved Kane into dorm in Chapel Hill so decided to rest. 30 minutes of walking and core work.

Recap 8/16/10-8/22/10

Planned on more miles and a better back to back long run but happy making it through the 30 mile run fairly easily. I hit 70 miles and decided to rest on Sunday with a busy day, would have been hard to fit in much of a long one. Plan to do 2 more weeks of 70+ before I up the mileage in preparation for November ultra.

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